Gensou Suikoden Official Illustrations
There are pictures all over this little place of mine, but the general ones without spoilers are all here.
Click on either the thumbnail or the description to see the illustrations.
The cover of the book where 
all the illustrations of this page 
comes from. 
Nice big group picture. (137k)
 The heroes from both Gensui 
1 and 2. (73k)
The postcard illustration for 
Gensou 1.  The same artist who does the drawings for the characters for Gensui 1, 
I assume.(49k) 
The picture used on my cover page and background.  The Heroes and their close friends. (89k)
Hero Mcdohl and some of his gang from Gensui 1. (70k) Mcdohl and his best friend Ted. (54k)



Hero Genkaku and some of his gang from Gensui 2. (65k) Genkaku and his best friend Jowy. (47k)
A postcard illustration for Gensou 2.  By the artist who does the drawings for the Gensui 2 game. (assume again, 
but should be correct.) (96k)
Hero Genkaku and Jowy in their army training days. 

Gensou 2 trio with Pilika and Nash. (47k) Nash and Pilika from the Gensou side story. (31k)
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